

Tags: , , , , — Jeff @ 21:52

(Image attribution: File:Fig.jpg by Fir0002, used under CC-BY-SA)

(I am aware this is almost hopelessly esoteric. I’ll say as a hint that p.m.o readers stand a far better-than-average chance of understanding this; the subset of those readers who are active web developers have an even better chance yet; and the subset of those who have been active since, oh, 19:13 PST today have the best chance of all. If you don’t get it [and who would blame you? 🙂 ], I’ll explain fully in the first comment.)


  1. HTML5 recently changed the markup to be used for marking up figure/caption combinations (such as those you might see in, well, a blog like this one) to be a figure element with a figcaption element as either the first or last child (or absent if there is no caption). I’m using HTML5 markup to put the image/caption into a figure with the self-referential “figcaption” as the caption (inside a figcaption element), also punning upon the contents of the image — a fig.

    Comment by Jeff — 29.01.10 @ 21:52

  2. Very nice, ever so geeky. 🙂 I thought I knew all the new html5 tags, but apparently not.

    Comment by Topher — 30.01.10 @ 06:24

  3. As the post obliquely noted (also noted at the site linked to in the first comment), this change occurred just yesterday evening, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that you didn’t know it!

    Comment by Jeff — 30.01.10 @ 06:36

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