
Introducing mozilla/RangedPtr.h: a smart pointer for members of buffers

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Suppose you’re implementing a method which searches for -- as part of an HTML parser:

bool containsDashDash(const char* chars, size_t length)
  for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
    if (chars[i] != '-')
    if (chars[i + 1] == '-')
      return true;
  return false;

But your method contains a bug! Can you spot it?

The buffer bounds-checking problem

The problem with the above implementation is that the bounds-checking is off. If chars doesn’t contain -- but ends with a -, then chars[i + 1] will read past the end of chars. Sometimes that might be harmless; other times it might be an exploitable security vulnerability.

The most obvious way to fix this in C++ is to pass an object which encapsulates both characters and length together, so you can’t use the characters except in accordance with the length. If you were using std::string, for example, accessing characters by [] or at() would generally assert or throw an exception for out-of-bounds access.

For one reason or another, however, you might not want to use an encapsulated type. In a parser, for example, you probably would want to use a pointer to process the input string, because the compiler might not be able to optimize an index into the equivalent pointer.

Is there a way to get “safety” via debug assertions or similar without giving up a pointer interface?

Introducing RangedPtr

We’re talking C++, so of course the answer is yes, and of course the answer is a smart pointer class.

The Mozilla Framework Based on Templates in mozilla-central now includes a RangedPtr<T> class. It’s defined in mfbt/RangedPtr.h and can be #included from mozilla/RangedPtr.h. RangedPtr stores a pointer, and in debug builds it stores start and end pointers fixed at construction time. Operations on the smart pointer — indexing, deriving new pointers through addition or subtraction, dereferencing, &c. — assert in debug builds that they don’t exceed the range specified by the start and end pointers. Indexing and dereferencing are restricted to the half-open range [start, end); new-pointer derivation is restricted to the range [start, end] to permit sentinel pointers. (It’s possible for start == end, although you can’t really do anything with such a pointer.)

The RangedPtr interface is pretty straightforward, supporting these constructors:

#include "mozilla/RangedPtr.h"

int nums[] = { 1, 2, 5, 3 };
RangedPtr<int> p1(nums, nums, nums + 4);
RangedPtr<int> p2(nums, nums, 4); // short for (nums, nums, nums + 4)
RangedPtr<int> p3(nums, 4); // short for (nums, nums, nums + 4)
RangedPtr<int> p4(nums); // short for (nums, length(nums))

RangedPtr<T> supports all the usual actions you’d expect from a pointer — indexing, dereferencing, addition, subtraction, assignment, equality and comparisons, and so on. All methods assert self-correctness as far as is possible in debug builds. RangedPtr<T> differs from T* only in that it doesn’t implicitly convert to T*: use get() method to get the corresponding T*. In addition to being explicit and consistent with nsCOMPtr and nsRefPtr, this will serve as a nudge to consider changing the relevant code to use RangedPtr instead of a raw pointer. But in essence RangedPtr is a pretty easy drop-in replacement for raw pointers in buffers. For example, adjusting containsDashDash to use it to assert in-rangeness is basically a single-line change:

#include "mozilla/RangedPtr.h"

bool containsDashDash(const char* charsRaw, size_t length)
  RangedPtr<const char> chars(charsRaw, length);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
    if (chars[i] != '-')
    if (chars[i + 1] == '-')
      return true;
  return false;

(And to resolve all loose ends, if you wanted containsDashDash to be correct, you’d change the loop to go from 1 rather than 0 and would check chars[i - 1] and chars[i]. Thanks go to Neil in comments for noting this.)

A minor demerit of RangedPtr

RangedPtr is extremely lightweight and should almost always be as efficient as a raw pointer, even as it provides debug-build correctness checking. The sole exception is that, for sadmaking ABI reasons, using RangedPtr<T> as an argument to a method may be slightly less efficient than using a T* (passed-on-the-stack versus passed-in-a-register, to be precise). Most of the time the cost will be negligible, and if the method is inlined there probably won’t be any cost at all, but it’s worth pointing out as a potential concern if performance is super-critical.

Bottom line

Raw pointers into buffers bad, smart RangedPtrs into buffers good. Go forth and use RangedPtr throughout Mozilla code!