
Hello Planet!

Tags: , , — Jeff @ 23:48

Whee! I’ve “just” been added to p.m.o now, so the peoples of the Mozilla worlds should now be getting my posts. Even better, for those of you who hate having to subscribe both to a planet and to a personal feed to read all their posts, fear not! Every glorious word I write is delivered in full to planet, so no need to waste time on duplicated entries. You’ll be reading my every word in raw, uncensored form. For everyone else, I recommend the “next” or “delete” key in your feed reader.

(Aside: I’ve idly wondered whether or if Atom includes a globally unique id field which could be used to consolidate duplicate entries; it seems like an obvious addition if it’s not there already.)

Long-term, I’ll be posting about lots of things: Mozilla, politics, economics, law, and whatever else happens to strike my fancy. In the short term, relatively speaking, I’ll primarily be posting about my progress along the Appalachian Trail. Since graduating MIT a few weeks ago, I’ve been thru-hiking the trail from Mount Katahdin in Maine to Springer Mountain in Georgia. I expect posts will, through October, primarily consist of trail updates as I pass through towns along the way. (This will also affect comments, which I currently moderate if you’ve not posted before.)

Anyway, I’ve rambled on long enough by way of an introductory post — we now return to your regularly-scheduled Mozilla postings.


  1. Waldo!!! Hope your travels are going well and plenty of trail magic is finding you!

    Comment by Justin Dolske — 27.06.08 @ 01:13

  2. Atom includes a (hypothetically) globally unique id, which was in theory going to allow filtering duplicates. Sadly, nobody really thought about how if I can predict your future id, I can preempt your post by publishing a /2008/11/05/mccain-was-robbed/ before you do. About the time the discussion turned to UI like “the first time the same id is found in two feeds, ask the user which one is authoritative for ids matching which part of the id URL” I lost hope.

    Comment by Phil Ringnalda — 27.06.08 @ 02:17

  3. You have seen http://atompub.org/rfc4287.html#element.id when reading about Atom, right?

    [I’ve never actually read about Atom except at a high level; I basically know what it attempts to do and have treated it as a black box, and I haven’t read the spec.]

    Comment by Robert Kaiser — 27.06.08 @ 10:03

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