
Dear Bugzillazyweb

Tags: , , , , — Jeff @ 12:18

It would be helpful, in terms of evaluating review request responsiveness, to have a way to look at a list of all bugs in a particular period of time in which a review has been requested of me, then either granted by someone else, transferred to someone else by the patch’s author, or removed due to a newer attachment being posted with review directed at someone else. The basic idea is to figure out how to measure whether other people are switching to other reviewers due to review latency, when requesters are sufficiently knowledgeable/motivated to switch rather than have an old review sit in a request queue forever. There’s no precise way to measure exactly this statistic. Someone else granting a review request might just be that that person was marginally more responsive on IRC to a quick request made after the initial flagging in Bugzilla. A review transfer may have been done with consent of both parties for reasons unrelated to review delay. A newer attachment with different reviewer might be an acknowledgment of a patch’s changing scope (whose most competent reviewer therefore changed). The point isn’t to get an exact idea, just to give the list of bugs so that one could examine the list, manually filter out false positives, and get some sort of rough idea of how good or bad review responsiveness has been.

A sufficiently granular bugmail search could probably tell me this, but I suspect extracting that information from lightly-structured text is much harder than working on Bugzilla or its data directly, and I’m not sure if my email account could easily accommodate such a search (and that solution’s not generally applicable).

So, lazyweb…make my life easier for me. 🙂


  1. Will this model work for you ?



    Comment by Murali Nandigama — 10.03.10 @ 12:49

  2. This isn’t what I meant. It’s easy enough to see what reviews I have outstanding at any time in Bugzilla, and this doesn’t seem to do a whole lot more than that. What I’m interested in is more the transitions from an outstanding review to one that no longer exists, in ways that are often indicative that someone got fatigued and moved to another reviewer.

    Comment by Jeff — 10.03.10 @ 14:06

  3. I’m pretty sure you can’t do this search via the Bugzilla UI, because it involves a complex search on a bug’s history and state transitions rather than its current state. We do have the ability to search history from the boolean charts, but maybe not to this level of detail.

    You’d need to construct a custom SQL query and persuade a b.m.o. admin to run it for you.


    Comment by Gerv — 11.03.10 @ 02:04

  4. Hmm. There isn’t a way to get that information reliably in Bugzilla’s web interface, although the Metrics team has a copy of the Bugzilla database that they can do metrics on directly, that might be worthwhile.

    Also, in the supybot-bugzilla plugin (which is how bugbot interacts with Bugzilla), there is a bugmail.py module that can parse bugmail, if you want to do it by parsing your bugmail.


    Comment by Max Kanat-Alexander — 11.03.10 @ 16:01

  5. Yeah, I was pretty sure you couldn’t do it via Bugzilla UI. A SQL query seems, probably, to be more trouble than it’s worth just for one individual case — I was thinking this might spawn a generalized solution that doesn’t involve one-off admin access every time the question arose.

    Comment by Jeff — 11.03.10 @ 16:08

  6. Hmm, a bugmail parsing library might — possibly — be worth investigating here. Maybe if I have some free time I’ll investigate it.

    Comment by Jeff — 11.03.10 @ 16:10

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